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How to Make Sure I Reactivated the Free Version of Avast for This Year Again

UPDATE: When Google and Mozilla removed Avast's spider web extension from their stores, a scandal broke out which revealed that Avast (who also owns AVG) had allegedly been spying on their users' browsing information and selling it to corporations for millions of dollars in profit. In calorie-free of these unethical practices, nosotros can no longer recommend them on our site. You can read more about the controversy and our conclusion here. For a list of antivirus companies we do recommend, please run across this list of the 10 all-time antiviruses of 2022.

Original Review: How secure is secure enough? Avast seems to be betting that you'll want all the security bells and whistles that you can afford, but its paid tiers seem to be offering too little for the price. With that said, the complimentary tier of Avast offers a fantastic antivirus engine at its core (PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE UPDATE). You lot'll love the security of Avast, as well as the speed with which it reacts to detect and mitigate unsafe programs – but attempt not to get too frustrated by its incessant pleas for y'all to upgrade.


Equally mentioned, Avast went above and across when information technology came time to design the free version of their antivirus product. Even the bones virus scan offers more than functionality than virtually. Instead of only searching for viruses and malware, it also detects out-of-engagement software, malicious browser add-ons, network issues, unprotected sensitive documents, and weak passwords.

Cybersecurity researcher and tech journalist

My showtime scan detected no malware, bad extensions, or network issues, but it did find vulnerable software, unprotected documents, and weak passwords. I'm not surprised that there's vulnerable software on my figurer – I accept a lot of software and it's a pain to update it all – but these last two items gave me a little scrap of pause. What does Avast count as unprotected sensitive documents and how do they find them? Furthermore, how do they check the strength of my passwords?

As information technology turns out, the sensitive documents scan is highly effective. It found tax records, employment documents, financial statements, and more than – stuff I've stored on my figurer without even remembering that I've put information technology there. In all, it only detected two fake positives. Avast sorted these documents into categories such every bit taxes, payroll, employment, and travel (documents such as commuter's licenses and passports. It also gives you an easy button to the correct of each entry that instantly shows you the location of each document that information technology finds.

Reading between the lines of the marketing copy, Avast seems to be leveraging a engineering known as Data Loss Prevention (DLP). DLP is a tool that's normally used in the context of big companies that store client data such every bit credit carte du jour and social security numbers. Using DLP, companies tin can scan discussion documents and conduct optical character recognition (OCR) on PDFs in lodge to detect strings of numbers that resemble these sensitive $.25 of data. The visitor can then know exactly where its sensitive data is and take steps to ensure that no one moves or deletes it.

But knowing the location of my sensitive data is very useful and seeing DLP engineering move from a corporate to a consumer context is interesting to say the least. In that location'south unfortunately non a lot that you can practice with this data without locking yourself into a subscription, however. In one case you do subscribe, you get the option to encrypt your data and store information technology in a secure digital locker. If any assaulter attempts to motility or delete these files, the program blocks access and notifies the user.

Avast'southward weak countersign scan is bluntly a flake of a letdown. I was expecting the service to tell me that I'd set one of my passwords to "123cat" or something equally simple by using some sort of futuristic hash-scanning algorithm. Instead, information technology just told me that I'k storing passwords in my browser (everyone does), that this method is potentially insecure (jury'south out on that), and that I should upgrade in order to use Avast Passwords, Avast's password direction service. This may certainly be useful, but it's not worth committing to a yearly subscription when you could just use 1 of the best password managers that are already available elsewhere. (More on this after.)

Does the Antivirus Engine Make the Grade?

All of these extras are frankly a distraction from the core of the scan itself – the malware detector. Independent lab tests show that Avast has a highly-rated antivirus engine, demonstrating advanced features and flagging zero false positives. Few antivirus engines scored college. In addition, testing-under existent-world conditions shows that Avast is efficient at detecting and mitigating the vectors – such as bulldoze-by-downloads and lawmaking injection attacks – by which malware propagates. To summarize, Avast volition find nearly forms of advanced malware, and preclude nigh of them from even installing on your computer. If whatever malware gets by, an automatic scan will unremarkably find and destroy the infection within a day.

When malware attempts to execute on a computer, Avast springs into action. It will detect near known malware samples immediately, then quarantine and delete them. If Avast detects an unknown file that acts suspiciously, Avast kills the process and analyzes the malware sample at its corporate headquarters. If you suspect that Avast has missed a file, you can right-click on any file in your Windows Explorer panel and select the file or folder for individual scanning.

More importantly, Avast is very proficient at making sure that malware doesn't become onto your computer in the outset identify. It detects nigh sites that endeavour to distribute malware before they start downloading onto your computer. For the residuum, Avast will interrupt the malware sites during the download stage – missing merely a few files, which will normally be caught past Avast'southward active protection once they attempt to execute.

Phishing sites – sites that effort to duplicate cyberbanking login screens and social media – are far more than common than malware sites, as well as being a bit simpler to produce. It's arguably more important to protect users from these sites than it is to protect them from sites dedicated to malware. Although this is a paid feature, Avast has the power to protect users from phishing sites with surprising efficiency. Their software doesn't just block sites that accept already been blacklisted – they also can identify phishing sites that are likewise new to have been identified by security researchers.

To summarize, the costless version of Avast offers security that's amidst the best that I've e'er seen. You'd nearly expect that its designers would have turned something off to make the paid upgrade more essential, just they oasis't. Its paid features, including a locker for your passwords and an encryption option for sensitive files, just don't add more to the table.


Outside of the core antivirus part, Avast offers a host of features in both its gratuitous and paid versions that are designed to go on your information secure. These features range from the expected to the exotic, with many of the paid features being mayhap more useful to power users. Here's the rundown:

Free Features are Critical to Online Security and Quality of Life

First of all, Avast offers a series of advanced security scans. This is singled-out from the "Smart Scan" that y'all see on the program'southward master bill of fare. When yous click on the "protection" tab, you'll see a variety of options, including "Full Virus Scan" and "Kicking-Fourth dimension Browse."

Full Virus Scan is both slower and more thorough than the chief smart scan. Although it takes quite a flake longer – up to a couple of hours on a slower machine – it has a amend risk of detecting and resolving threats. If y'all suspect that your computer was infected past malware prior to installing Avast, you'll probable desire to practice a Full Virus Scan in order to weed out whatever lingering threats.

You'll as well want to run a Kick Time Scan. Many advanced kinds of malware now accept the power to persist fifty-fifty when their files are deleted from your computer's operating arrangement. That'due south because these viruses be outside the primary OS. When they're deleted, they simply reinstall themselves from files that are outside the operating system. A Boot Time Browse restarts your figurer and watches for suspicious programs that effort to execute while the computer is running, and then stops them in their tracks.

Lastly, Avast offers a full-featured WiFi scanner designed to protect yous at your abode and on the become. When I ran it, information technology discovered every device continued to my WiFi in nether a minute – my desktop, laptop, console, cellphone, and kitchen speaker. If my devices were unsecured, it would take pointed out vulnerabilities such equally ports exposed to the internet, default passwords, and other weaknesses.

Paid Features Don't Add together Enough Value

Outside of these advanced virus scanning features, Avast doesn't offer much – merely it'due south not clear that you lot'd need much more anyway. For example, there's a utility that's supposed to clean your calculator'southward hard drive, for example, but information technology'due south paid for. Meanwhile, CCleaner is complimentary. Want to get rid of peculiarly sensitive materials? Avast offers a secure erase office that can delete a file by writing over it many times, removing all trace of it from your computer. The system works as advertised, but information technology's hard to meet who needs it other than security researchers. In that location'due south a VPN add-on that you tin pay for, but other standalone VPNs offering similar features for less.

To summarize, Avast has won me over with its free version, but it has lost its remainder when it comes to paid and premium pricing. The features here won't make you much more than secure than the free software, and you tin can replicate nigh of their functionality with costless or lower-toll 3rd party software.

Ease of use

This is an area where Avast frustrated me. I realize that if you're an antivirus company, you need to make money by converting your free users to paid subscribers. I actually shouldn't mind that Avast takes every opportunity to get me to upsell – and for the most office, I don't. What irks me, however, is the liberal use of dark-pattern UI in order to go me to pay up.

If y'all're unfamiliar with dark-pattern UI, here's a quick example.

When you boot up Avast, you get a splash screen a big "scan at present" button in the middle and a white box offering you a welcome gift.

Paid Features Don't Add Enough Value

The "souvenir" turns out to be a steep discount on a subscription. What if you don't want a subscription? As you tin come across from the screenshot below, there's no "dorsum" button, only a "buy at present" option. In lodge to back out of the upsell screen you lot actually take to click the red X in the height right corner, something that's counter-intuitive to most users who call up that push just closes the program.

Paid Features Don't Add Enough Value

When you hit that Ten, by the way, another pop up comes afterwards it, offering you a costless trial.

Once more, this is not a huge thwarting – because again, the service needs to make money – and if that were the merely example of that in the programme, I probably wouldn't mind. With that said, Avast goes a long way towards burying its goodwill by offering other confusing and intrusive upsells buried in its software.

Here's another example. In Avast's "privacy" bill of fare, you can run across some options that are closed off with a big orange lock, and some that aren't. You lot'd await that you'd accept to pay to unlock features that are locked, and that the features that are unlocked would be free. That's unfortunately not the case. When you click on SecureLine VPN, for example, a separate program installs itself on your computer, and and so asks y'all for money. If you click on "Performance" and cull "Driver Updater," the same affair happens. Avast takes you all the manner into installing a new plan on your reckoner, and and so asks you lot for money.

Paid Features Don't Add Enough Value

The well-nigh egregious example happened with the password manager, which is free just not groovy. The countersign manager operates as a Chrome or Firefox extension that stores your password and is secured with a primary password, simply it neither suggests strong passwords nor warns you about weak or duplicate passwords – something that'southward a must in other products. You lot can't even implement ii-factor authentication.

Anyway, when I clicked through the menus that led into the countersign management part, I decided to decline to import my passwords into Avast's password manager. Imagine my surprise when Avast started to import my passwords anyway! Although I was able to cancel the transfer, Avast likewise installed their proprietary secure browser on my machine – again without my permission.

This is a bit worrying. It doesn't speak sick when it comes to the functionality of the antivirus engine itself, simply for long-term users, the abiding reminders to upsell – plus the misleading menu options – may eventually become frustrating

Back up

Avast offers premium support services for its antivirus product at every pricing tier. There'southward an extensive knowledgebase that explains how its features work and what they're supposed to do. These walk inexperienced users through the performance of the product and allow them to practise some basic troubleshooting on their own.

The arrangement also boasts a 24/vii phone call center for more than serious problems. The tech support specialists are able to provide detailed and helpful data inside a short corporeality of time. This information should be helpful for both inexperienced users and power users alike.


When compared to other antivirus programs, Avast is roughly boilerplate in terms of expense. There are 4 main pricing tiers – Gratuitous, Net Security, Premier, and Ultimate. If you're determined to pay for Avast, Internet Security is probably the all-time option for you. It includes several useful quality of life features that the free tier lacks – a Existent Site choice that protects against phishing sites, a Ransomware Shield to protect your files from encryption, a firewall that stops intrusion attempts, and an anti-spam characteristic.

Cyberspace Security also includes 1 of the coolest features that isn't included in the free version – the Sandbox mode. This lets you open files and programs in a virtual motorcar that doesn't take access permissions to your desktop. If the file contains malware, then the malicious programme volition execute in an surface area where it can't do your computer any impairment. This is a really neat little bonus, and it'southward great for anyone who's constantly receiving phishing attempts.

Meanwhile, the more expensive pricing tiers comprise more of the software that's dainty to have, merely not vital. Upgrading to Premier gets you the superfluous data shredder and disk cleanup features, while upgrading to Ultimate gets you the VPN and the password manager. None of these are necessarily essential to your data security, and if you must have them, they're available from third parties at a lower price for the aforementioned effectiveness.

Once once more: the gratuitous tier of Avast gives you all the information security you're likely to demand, just if you must upgrade, the Cyberspace Security tier gives you most of everything else.


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