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Dance 1003h Honors Basic Course in the Arts Movement and Dance 3 Hours

  • Journal Listing
  • Int J Sports Phys Ther
  • v.12(iii); 2017 Jun
  • PMC5455185

Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Jun; 12(3): 352–370.


Linda Lee, BPhty, MHSci (hons), PGDip Sp & Ex Medicine, PGCert Physio (Msk), corresponding author 1 Duncan Reid, DHSc, FNZCP, MHsc, PGDip (Manip Physio), Dip PT, BSc,2 Jill Cadwell, MHSci(Hons), PGDHSci(Manip Ther.), PGDSportsMed, BPhty, DipPhys,2 and Priya Palmer, BSc, MSc, PhDtwo

Linda Lee

1Sandringham, Auckland, New Zealand

Duncan Reid

2Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Jill Cadwell

iiAuckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Priya Palmer

2Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand



Prospective studies utilizing standardized injury and exposure measures are needed to consolidate our cognition of injury incidence and associated risk factors for musculoskeletal injury amongst pre-professional dancers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury incidence amidst pre-professional dancers attention a fulltime training school in New Zealand. The secondary purposes of this study were to investigate the human relationship betwixt dance exposure and injury risk, and the relationship between run a risk factors (specifically the MCS upshot scores) and injury run a risk.


A prospective cohort written report of 66 full-time pre-professional dancers was undertaken over one full academic twelvemonth (38 weeks), included 40 females (mean historic period 17.78 yrs, SD one.xviii) and 26 males (mean age 18.57yrs, SD one.72). Injury surveillance included both reported and self reported injury data. Dancers were screened using the MCS in the beginning week of term one.


Eighty-half dozen per cent of dancers sustained one or more than injuries. Fifty-nine per cent of all injuries were fourth dimension-loss. The injury incidence rate was 2.27 per yard hours of dance exposure (DEhr) and 3.35 per k dance exposures (DE). At that place was a meaning association between the full number of injuries and total DE per month (B=0.003, 95% CI 0.001 - 0.006, p=0.016). Dancers who had a MCS score < 23 were more than likely to be injured than those who scored ≥23 (B = -0.702, 95% CI = -ane.354 – -0.050, p=0.035).


Injury prevalence and incidence was comparable with other international cohorts. The number of trip the light fantastic exposures was more highly associated with injury risk than the hours of dance exposure. The MCS may be a useful tool to help identify dancers at risk of injury.

Level of Testify

Level 3b, Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study

Keywords: Dance, exposure, functional movement screening, injury, pre-professional


Pre-professional dance training is enervating, and requires meaning physical and creative ability.1,2 Long training hours coupled with highly repetitive movement patterns during a time of maturation and evolution places the pre-professional person dancer in a vulnerable position with regard to injury risk.3,4 Several authors have highlighted musculoskeletal injuries as a significant ongoing health result for pre-professional person dancers.1-3,v-xx However, consistent reporting of injury incidence is still necessary to enable the development and monitoring of injury prevention strategies.ane,21-23

Chance factors for dance related injury are all the same non well understood.1,5,half dozen,24 The negative effects of changes in training load and/or preparation loads beyond an athlete's capacity have been cited equally potential gamble factors for injury.25-31 To date there is a paucity of prospective studies examining the relationship between trip the light fantastic exposure and injury take a chance amidst pre-professional dancers. 1,12,xvi,32,33

Pre-participation or pre-flavour screening inside trip the light fantastic schools and professional companies has go more than widely adopted as the need to optimize dancers' wellness is recognized as a critical factor in both developing and maintaining talent. 34-42 Functional motility screening tools designed to identify deficits in neuromuscular control, have gained popularity within the sporting arena equally an effective and efficient screening strategy. 43-fifty The utility of functional move screening tools, and more specifically the MCS, to find dancers at chance of injury requires farther investigation. 45,47,51,52 The purpose of this written report was to investigate the injury incidence among pre-professional person dancers attending a fulltime training school in New Zealand. The secondary purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship betwixt dance exposure and injury risk, and the relationship between take chances factors (specifically the MCS outcome scores) and injury risk.


Written report blueprint

A prospective cohort study was conducted over one full bookish year (38 weeks). Approving for was gained from the Auckland University of Engineering science (AUT) Ethics Commission. All participants received both exact and written study information and gave written informed consent.


Students attending an elite full-time pre-professional person dance school in New Zealand were invited to participate (northward=86). A total of 66 dancers completed the necessary documentation and movement screening session at the beginning of the study.

Injury Surveillance

Participating dancers completed an initial questionnaire that collected information on potential risk factors including: age, height, weight, BMI, gender, previous and current injury history, year of pre-professional person trip the light fantastic toe training, trip the light fantastic major, and age started dancing. Prospective injury surveillance was undertaken over one total academic year. The dance school physiotherapist completed a standardized Injury Summary Sheet (Appendix 1) and International Performing Arts Injury Reporting Survey (IPAIRS©) for all reported injuries. Self-reported injury data was collected via an online survey tool ( and sent to participating students every three weeks. Injury was defined as, "any physical complaint sustained by a dancer resulting from functioning, rehearsal or class, and resulting in a dancer injury report or triage, irrespective of the need for medical attention or fourth dimension-loss from dance activities".53 Injury was so also sub-classified based on current recommendations; including time-loss or not time-loss, nature of injury i.e. acute or overuse, and if an injury was new or recurrent.54-56 Recurrent injuries were further classified as exacerbations or re-injuries.55 (Appendix two) Injury severity was coded, S0 (no days off or modified), S1 (activity modification), S2 ( ≤ 7 days off), S3 ( > seven days off) or S4 (year ending).iii,57

Dance Exposure

Dance exposure (DE) was defined as, "1 dancer participating in ane class, rehearsal or performance in which he or she is exposed to the possibility of dance injury regardless of the time associated with that participation".58 Total dance exposure (hours and events), was calculated from the weekly timetables for each year of study (major and gender).

MCS screening and scoring

All participants were screened using the Motion Competency Screen (MCS©) in the first week of term one. The MCS is comprised of five fundamental movement patterns (body weight squat, lunge twist, single leg squat, curve and pull, push upward) and iii dynamic leap patterns (counter motion jump, counter movement leap with unilateral country, broad bound with unilateral land) (Appendix three, Appendix 4).47,59 The subjects were filmed using Casio EX-ZR100 digital cameras (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo). Video analysis of each movement blueprint was performed past the primary researcher, and scored using standardized criteria directly adapted from the original MCS 100 criteria described past Kritz,45 and that were used past Vanweerd47 for the Netball Movement Competency Screen.45,47,59 (Appendix 5) Whole body movement is assessed for each move blueprint and scored from 0 – 3, based on identification of primary or secondary areas of concern as described past Kritz.45 Primary areas of concern are those that are most probable to impact on the athlete's movement competency during the selected movement job.45 A score of ane indicates poor movement competency, while a score of iii indicates proficient movement competency. All unilateral movements were assessed and scored bilaterally. The scores of all individual movements were totalled to provide a composite outcome score (out of a possible 36). The reliability of the MCS has been shown to be proficient to excellent in boyish female netballers52 and in war machine populations.60 Prior to the current study a pilot written report assessed the intra-rater reliability of the primary researcher using the MCS. Intra-rater reliability was established using boilerplate measures intra-grade correlation coefficient (ICC). The ICC (2,1) for the overall MCS scores in ten subjects was first-class (ICC (ii,1) 0.99, CI 0.98 - 0.99).

Statistical Analysis

Descriptive analysis of the data established the injury prevalence and incidence of reported injuries. Injury prevalence was divers every bit the total number of reported injuries in one full academic yr. Injury incidence over the academic year (Jan-Dec) was expressed as the number of reported injuries per 1000 hours of trip the light fantastic exposure (DEhr). Injury rates were likewise calculated using the number of reported injuries per 1000 dance exposures (DE), as it is considered to achieve a college level of reliability as well equally comparability betweeen cohorts, and is also consistent with reporting methods utilized by other international sporting bodies.58,61 Pearson's correlations were used to determine the relationship betwixt dance exposure and injury. A univariate linear regression model was used to investigate the human relationship between injury condition and private potential take a chance factors. A multivariate linear regression model was used to examine the influence of a combination of risk factors for condign injured. Covariates were fitted into the model using a frontwards option procedure and were retained in the final linear regression model if they reached a statistical threshold of p<0.10 or were of clinical significance. A logistic regression was used to investigate the relationship between injury severity and possible risk factors. All analyses were performed using Statistical Plan for Social Science (SPSS) software (SPSS V.22, IBM Corporation, New York, Usa). Alpha levels were set at 0.05 (95% conviction level).



Sixty-six dancers (females = 40, males = 26) aged between sixteen-24 years old (mean eighteen.15yrs, SD ane.45) gave consent to participate. There were 28 dancers in year i, 25 in year two and 13 in twelvemonth three. Thirty-two were ballet majors and 34 were modernistic majors. Seventy-seven per cent of dancers attention the trip the light fantastic school participated in the report. During the course of the study one dancer opted out of reported injury information collection and 4 dancers left the school. Demographic characteristics of participants are presented in Table 1.

Tabular array 1.

Demographic data, reported as mean (SD)

Full Sample Females Males p-value
Subjects (n) 66 xl 26
Age (years) 18.15 (1.45)
(range: 16 - 24)
17.78 (1.18)
(range: 16 - xx)
18.57 (1.72)
(range: xvi - 24)
Weight (kg) 59.79 (9.67) 53.93 (6.04) 68.81 (6.29) <0.001*
Height (cm) 171.17 (9.35) 165.63 (half dozen.52) 179.75 (v.88) <0.001*
BMI 20.25 (1.88) 19.54 (1.74) 21.33 (1.52) <0.001*
Age started dancing (yrs) 11.83 (three.39) 11.56 (3.xvi) 12.24 (three.76) 0.442

Injury Prevalence

Fifty-seven (86.4%) dancers reported a history of previous trip the light fantastic related injury at the outset of the study. A total of 125 reported injuries, involving 56 dancers (86.two%), were recorded over the academic year. Injury prevalence across the twelvemonth ranged from 1.5% to 36.9% per calendar month. No significant demographic differences were found between dancers who reported whatsoever injury or time-loss injuries and those who did not (Tabular array 2).

Table 2.

Descriptive characteristics of injured and non-injured groups

Injury reported No injury reported Mean p-value
Mean Mean (SD) (SD)
North 56 9
Historic period (years) 18.23 (1.47) 17.77 (1.30) 0.388
Top (cm) 170.66 (9.36) 173.33 (9.50) 0.432
Weight (kg) 59.23 (9.43) 62.88 (11.58) 0.299
BMI 20.25 (i.87) 20.31 (2.00) 0.935
Injury reported No injury reported p-value
North (%) North (%)
Previous history injury 49 (87.5%) eight (88%) 0.600
Electric current injury 10 (17.9%) 1 (12%) 1.000
Male 22 (39.3%) three (33.3%) 1.000
Female 34 (lx.7%) 6 (66.half-dozen%)
Ballet 27 (48.2%) five ( ane.000
Modern 29 (51.8%) 4 (44.iv%)
Year of preparation
1st 23 (41.1%) four (44.iv%) 0.902
2nd 21 (37.5%) 4 (44.four%)
3rd 12 (21.4%) 1 (11.1%)

Injury Characteristics

Reported injury characteristics are shown in Table three. The ankle was the most mutual site of lower limb injury, followed by the genu, foot, and hip/thigh respectively. The thoracic spine was the most common site of body injury, followed by the lumbar spine. The shoulder was the most common upper limb injury.

Table 3.

Characteristics and severity of reported and self-reported injuries

Characteristics Reported Injuries north %
Full injuries 125
% dancers injured 86.2
New 104 83
Recurrent 21 16.viii
- Re injury viii 38.1
- Exacerbation 13 61.9
Astute 51 40.8
Overuse 74 59.2
Head/Neck 4 3.2
Trunk 25 20
Lower Limb 85 68
Upper Limb 11 eight.eight
Injury Severity Reported as mean (SD) or n %
Hateful numerical pain score v.29 (1.91)
Time-loss injuries: n=74 59.2
Total days off dance v.85 (6.37)
(range: one - 42 days)
Not time-loss injuries: n = 51 twoscore.8
Days of modified activity 7.14 (5.49)
(range: 0 - 28 days)
Activity modification:
none n=1 2
balmy north=vii xiv
moderate n=43 84
astringent north=0 0

Injury Severity

Of all reported injuries, 59.2% (n=74) were time-loss resulting in a total of 433 full days off dance. Fourscore-six per cent (n=64) of all time-loss injuries required the dancer to have ≤ 7 days off dance (S2), with 13.5% (n=10) taking > 7 days off dance (S3). Injuries requiring the greatest time off dance included: lower limb stress fractures, posterior cruciate and meniscal injury, and tendon injuries of the foot and ankle. The distribution of injury severity via injury location is presented in Figure 1.

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Location severity of reported injuries.

Injury Incidence

The total injury incidence rate over the academic yr was 2.27 (95% CI 2.25-2.28) per chiliad dance exposure hours (DEhr) and 3.35 (95% CI iii.33-iii.37) per yard trip the light fantastic toe exposures (DE). The total injury incidence for fourth dimension-loss injuries was i.34/1000DEhr and one.98/1000DE's. The injury incidence rates, for reported injuries were similar for males and females (2.39 and two.19/1000DEhr), and ballet and modernistic dancers (2.11 and ii.17/1000DEhr). Offset year students had the highest injury incidence rate for reported injuries (2.95/1000DEhr). Injury incidence as well decreased term-by-term, with the highest incidence in term one (3.sixty/1000DEhr). Injury incidence (DEhr and DE) for reported injuries is presented in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4.

Injury incidence rates for reported injuries per dance exposure hours (DEhr)

Variable Subjects Total Injuries Total DEhr Mean DEhr SD 95% CI Reported Injuries per g DEhr
Northward % RI 95%CI
Yr 1 27 41.5 59 20021 741:30 180:00 670:16 – 812:43 2.95 2.92 – ii.97
Twelvemonth 2 25 38.v 44 22733 909:xix 148:22 848:04 – 970:33 i.94 1.92 – 1.95
Yr 3 13 twenty.0 22 12408 954:26 86:58 901:52 – 1006:59 1.77 1.75 – 1.79
Male person 25 38.five 50 20930 837:11 206:31 751:56 – 922:26 2.39 2.37 – two.41
Female person twoscore 61.5 75 34232 855:46 158:34 805:46 – 906:29 2.19 two.eighteen – 2.21
Ballet 31 47.7 58 27434 784:40 217:03 705:03 – 846:17 2.11 two.10 – ii.xiii
Modern 34 52.iii 67 30836 906:57 103:32 870:44 – 943:04 2.17 ii.sixteen – 2.19
Time-Loss 43 74 55162 848:33 177:12 804:43 – 892:32 1.34 1.33 – 1.35
Non Time-Loss 35 53.8 51 55162 848:33 177:12 804:43 – 892:32 0.92 0.91 – 0.93
Total Cohort 65 100.0 125 55162 848:33 177:12 804:43 – 892:32 two.27 2.25 – 2.28

Table 5.

Injury incidence rates for reported injuries per number of dance exposures (DE)

Variable Subjects Total Injuries Total DE Mean DE SD 95% CI Reported Injuries per 1000 DE
N % RI 95%CI
Year 1 27 41.v 59 13771 510.04 142.79 453.55 – 566.52 iv.28 4.25 – 4.32
Yr 2 25 38.5 44 15258 610.32 100.75 568.73 – 651.91 2.88 ii.86 – 2.91
Twelvemonth 3 xiii twenty.0 22 8285 637.31 25.62 621.82 – 652.00 2.66 two.62 – 2.69
Male 25 38.v 50 14113 564.52 140.50 506.52 – 622.52 3.54 3.51 – three.57
Female 40 61.five 75 23201 580.03 113.19 543.82 – 616.22 iii.23 three.21 – 3.26
Ballet 31 47.7 58 17138 552.83 167.86 491.26 – 614.41 3.38 3.36 – 3.41
Modernistic 34 52.three 67 20176 593.41 56.43 573.72 – 613.10 3.32 3.29 – 3.35
Fourth dimension-Loss 43 66.ane 74 37314 574.06 123.57 543.44 – 604.68 1.98 1.97 – 1.99
Not Fourth dimension-Loss 35 53.viii 51 37314 574.06 123.57 543.44 – 604.68 one.37 one.35 – one.38
Total Accomplice 65 100.0 125 37314 574.06 123.57 543.44 – 604.68 3.35 3.33 – 3.37

Relationship between trip the light fantastic toe exposure and injury

The total number of trip the light fantastic exposures (DE) per calendar month was significantly associated with the total number of reported injuries reported per month (p=0.016) (Effigy ii). A significant clan was too plant between the average number of dance exposures (DE) per dancer per month and the total number of injuries per month (p=0.027). The total hours of trip the light fantastic exposure (DEhr) was found not to be a significant predictor of injury (p=0.964).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ijspt-12-352-F002.jpg

Dance exposure and injury.

Human relationship between reported injuries and risk factors

The association between potential risk factors and injury is presented in Tabular array 6. A MCS score < 23 was significantly associated with increased risk of injury (p=0.035). Furthermore, the higher number of injuries in those with a MCS score <23 was more than likely to be explained by a greater number of torso injuries (p=0.036). No significant divergence in full MCS scores was found for age, gender, major, or yr group (p>0.05).

Tabular array half-dozen

Association between the total number of reported injuries and adventure factors

Independent Variables Adjusted R Square B 95% CI p-value
Historic period −0.016 −0.001 −0.235 – 0.233 0.992
BMI −0.013 0.039 −0.141 – 0.220 0.667
Gender −0.014 −0.125 −0.817 – 0.567 0.720
Major −0.014 −0.100 −0.774 – 0.575 0.769
Year of preparation 0.008 −0.272 −0.714 – 0.169 0.222
Total MCS score 0.022 −0.081 −0.186 – 0.023 0.125
Hateful MCS score 0.054 −0.702 −one.354 – −0.050 0.035*
Previous Injury 0.016 −0.685 −1.646 – 0.277 0.160

A history of previous injury was found not to be associated with increased injury risk. However, a significant association between previous history of injury and gender was noted, whereby more females had sustained previous injuries compared to males (p=0.022). A meaning association was found betwixt injury location and major, whereby modern majors were more likely than ballet majors to sustain trunk injuries (B=-0.304, p=0.042) and upper limb injuries (B=0.324, p=0.001). Upper limb injuries were more mutual amid first year students, decreasing for every year of study (B=-0.152, p=0.025).



The key strengths of this prospective report included: (1) 70-seven per cent of eligible dancers participated in the study, (2) the use of reported injury and exposure data collected over a full academic year and, (three) this is the start prospective longitudinal study of elite pre-professional dancers in New Zealand.

Prevalence, incidence and severity


At the kickoff of the study 86% (n=57) of dancers reported a previous history of dance-related injury. This was comparable with previous studies (82-95%).17,18,62,63 The injury prevalence over the academic year was (86.2%), which was within the upper range reported in current literature (30-94%).2,seven,8,10-12,sixteen,18,63 Further to this, 21% of injuries sustained were considered 'recurrent', viii% of which were re-injuries. This was fewer than that reported by Ekegren, Quested, Brodrick7 where 14% of time-loss injuries were considered a re-injury. Hereafter enquiry utilizing the Subsequent Injury Categorization (SIC) model equally proposed by Finch and Marshall64 may enable a better agreement between injury and each subsequent injury; which tin can take a considerable bear on on a dancer'southward training and career.nineteen,65


Prospective studies utilizing reported injury data and a mixed cohort with which to compare the overall results of this study are defective. The incidence of reported injuries for ballet majors alone was ii.11/1000DEhr, which although comparable with previous studies, is at the upper finish of the range (range: 0.nine-2.9/1000hrs).11,sixteen,xviii Fewer studies accept reported the injury incidence for modern dance students. In this written report the injury incidence (two.17/thou) was somewhat lower than the 4/1000hours of trip the light fantastic toe reported amongst modern dancers at the Escuela Nacional de Danza in Mexico.13 Comparisons betwixt dance schools should, however, be fabricated with caution as differences in demands, nature of exposures, and age of dancers may also affect on injury rates.

The findings of this study back up current bear witness that overuse injuries are a significant issue for dancers.2,7,11,sixteen,17,66,67 The incidence of overuse injuries was found to be lower than that reported in a contempo study of pre-professional person ballet dancers (2.4/10000DEhr and 3.52/1000DE).three The shorter inception period of the compared study (6 months) and unmarried genre cohort may contribute to these differences. Comparatively, Ekegren, Quested, Brodrick7 reported a higher prevalence of overuse injuries (72%) compared to this current study (59.2%). The higher boilerplate dance exposure per year (1030hr) may exist a contributing factor, whereby longer training hours, with less relative fourth dimension for recovery is considered a meaning extrinsic risk cistron for sustaining overuse injuries.25,68


Severity of injuries among pre-professional dancers has, thus far, been infrequently reported and the unlike measures utilized to define injury severity have also limited comparisons. The injury incidence for time-loss injuries in this study was comparable with findings from a recent prospective written report of 266 pre-professional ballet dancers in London that utilised the same time-loss injury definition (1.38/1000DEhr, 1.87/1000DE).vii The current study found the bulk of injuries to be classified as S2 (≤7 days off dance). Although a recent study of pre-professional ballet dancers classified the majority of injuries as S1 (activity modification), this only included overuse injuries of the lumbar spine and lower limb which is likely to contribute to this difference.three

Relationship between dance exposure and injury gamble

A significant finding in this report was that the full number of dance exposures was found to exist more highly associated with injury risk than the total hours of dance exposure. At that place is considerable potential for variation in volume, intensity, technical demand and nature of exposures during a dancers day/calendar week/term and year.69 It may be hypothesized that this tin event in significant fluctuations in need, over training or indeed under training the dancer and, hence, contribute to injury take a chance. Optimizing dance schedules using periodization have been reported to be an effective strategy in reducing injury risk and drop out rates in a pre-professional dance school,seventy and to meliorate mood states prior to performance in professional person dancers.31 The findings of this enquiry back up further investigation into strategies to optimize training outcomes and minimizing injury risk for pre-professional dancers.30,34,69

Current evidence indicates that rapid changes in training load precede the onset of injury.29,71 This is consistent with findings in this study, whereby a greater number of reported injuries were sustained in term one (after the vacation period), peaking again after returning from each semester break. Current literature suggests that high astute:chronic workload ratios may contribute to increased run a risk of injury.71,72 Although further research is necessary, this may be a factor contributing to the findings in this study. This report found the number of reported injuries decreased as the year progressed despite a relatively consistent book of exposure each term. Unlike previous research, assessments periods and increased exposure to rehearsal and operation (at the terminate of the twelvemonth) did non issue in a higher number of reported injuries.16,30 Information technology may be that as the year progressed dancers were improve conditioned to meet their demands and therefore more resilient and accustomed to the workload, or simply reported fewer injuries to avoid missing vital cess and performance opportunities.73 In contrast to previous research, the year of pre-professional training was not associated with increased injury risk, despite increasing dance It is possible that emerging adolescent dancers take a lower threshold for injury, every bit has been reported for other sports.74 The small cohort and, specifically, the express number of 3rd year dancers in this study may take contributed to this finding. Further research investigating the dose-response relationship between preparation and injury and workload ratios beyond differing age groups and genres is needed.

Relationship between injury and take chances factors

A primary aim of this study was to establish the relationship between the Movement Competency Screen (MCS), and injury chance. MCS scores were analyzed both as a continuous (full MCS score) and categorical (mean MCS score) variables. The mean (and median) MCS score for this cohort was 23, and this was used to ascertain the categorical variables group assignment (i= < 23, ii = ≥23). Those dancers who scored beneath the hateful (<23) were considered to demonstrate reduced or altered move control during functional motility patterns, beyond that which was typically seen within the cohort. Utilizing the mean MCS score as a cut off score enabled comparisons with previous research of movement screening tools, which accept also utilized dichotomized pass/fail scores. In this study dancers who scored less than 23 were more probable to sustain an injury than those who scored at or higher up 23 (p=0.035). This suggests that those dancers who demonstrated reduced or altered movement control during functional motion patterns, beyond what was typically seen within the cohort, may be more than susceptible to time to come injury. This provides some back up for the inclusion of the MCS as role of an overall injury screening strategy, whereby those dancers who may benefit from farther assessment, conditioning or load modification tin be identified in a timely manner. No other studies utilizing the MCS, inclusive of dynamic jump tasks, were identified in the literature, although a recent prospective study of aristocracy rowers in New Zealand did investigate the relationship between the total MCS score (five fundamental movements merely) and risk of lower back injury.51,75 The authors of that study found rowers who scored at or higher than the mean MCS score were more likely to develop low back hurting compared to those who scored lower, however, this finding was not statistically meaning (OR=2.57, p=0.07). Studies evaluating the efficacy of other functional move screening tools to identify those at risk of injury accept also reported positive associations. The most reported tool to do so is the Functional Motility Screen (FMSTM).76-lxxx In spite of this, the efficacy of the FMSTM to predict injury risk should be considered in the context of those studies where no association and bimodal associations take been found.81-83 The variability presented within the enquiry highlights the difficulty of utilizing cut-off scores for predicting injury risk, where the sensitivity of the cutting-off score is inversely related to the specificity.84 While a single screening tool solitary is unlikely to identify all those at take a chance of injury, identifying the most effective and efficient tools which detect factors that contribute to the injury risk profile of dancers is essential. The MCS has the potential to be utilized more than widely past dance teachers, strength and conditioning coaches, and healthcare providers, and to educate dancers as part of an injury prevention strategy.

The findings of this report back up the evolution of injury prevention programs targeting neuromuscular control in those with identified deficits. A recent three-twelvemonth prospective study utilized the functional motility screen (FMSTM) to guide the development of individualized conditioning programmes for a group of professional ballet dancers. 85 This resulted in a significant reduction in all injuries equally well as recurrent injury over the three years. Every bit injury prevalence has been shown to be high amongst adolescent dancers, specifically lower limb injuries, injury prevention programes involving neuromuscular control aimed at the broader adolescent dance population may have the biggest impact in reducing injury adventure.

Limitations of the study

Estimation of these results should exist considered aslope the following methodological limitations. The sample size in this study was pocket-sized due to the limited number of dancers attention the dance school, and as a outcome the relationship between some gamble factors and injury is unclear.86 The loss of five dancers during the course of the study may have also affected observed associations. Furthermore, although statistical assay demonstrated an clan betwixt the mean MCS score and injury, there are withal a lot of unknown factors that contribute to these injuries. This was highlighted by the very low adjusted R-squared value (R2 = 0.054) (see Table 6). Further research is therefore nonetheless required to identify other possible hazard factors for these injuries. The number of days of modified activity for time-loss injuries was not included and should exist taken into consideration when interpreting the affect and severity of time-loss injuries on dance participation. The intensity and nature of dance exposures, and workload ratios was not included in exposure analysis. These factors may impact on the potential injury run a risk of individual dancers. Dance exposure was calculated each week from the timetables, for each year grouping (major and gender), but non individually, hence may not truly reverberate the actual hours of training or engagement by each individual dancer. Non-scheduled trip the light fantastic practice or additional workouts such as attending the gym, were also not included in the total hours of trip the light fantastic. As the dancers progressed through the year their movement competency may have changed, and also their injury take chances in relation to MCS scores. Research undertaking screening at more regular intervals over the twelvemonth may meliorate establish the relationship between outcomes scores and injury risk.

Functional move screening has the chapters to identify dancers at risk of injury. Every bit such, future intervention studies targeting those at risk individuals/groups with focused prevention/workout programmes are indicated. Multicentre studies examining preparation loads (acute and chronic) and nature of exposures in relation to injury hazard are necessary to optimise preparation and operation outcomes across differing historic period groups and genres. Hereafter research is needed to examine if MCS scores taken at regular intervals during the year may exist more useful in establishing injury run a risk. Research establishing the inter-rater reliability of the MCS is necessary for this tool to exist useful between providers and across the broader population.


This is the commencement prospective longitudinal study of pre-professional dancers in New Zealand. Injury prevalence and incidence rates were high, although comparable to those reported internationally. The results of this study betoken, that the number of dance exposures was more than highly associated with injury risk than the hours of dance exposure. Furthermore, dancers had a greater chance of sustaining injury in term ane, reducing with each term of the yr. At that place is a need for further prospective longitudinal studies examining trip the light fantastic exposure and the human relationship to injury. An MCS score < 23 was associated with an increased gamble of futurity injury. Therefore, including the MCS every bit function of an overall injury screening strategy may be an efficient and effective strategy to aid identify those dancers who could benefit from focused injury prevention strategies.


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Injury and severity definitions

Definitions utilised for injury recording and associated variables include:

Injury: Any physical complaint sustained by a dancer resulting from functioning, rehearsal or class, and resulting in a dancer injury report or triage, irrespective of the need for medical attention or time-loss from dance activities 53.

Fourth dimension-Loss Injury: "an anatomic tissue-level impairment as diagnosed by a registered health care practitioner that results in full time loss from activity for one or more than days beyond the day of onset" 58.

Not Time-Loss Injury: An injury that does not rising to the level of a reported fourth dimension-loss injury 58.

Reported Injury: Any injury (time-loss or not fourth dimension-loss) coming together the injury definition which was triaged, assessed or managed by the NZSD physiotherapist.

Cocky-Reported Injury: Whatever injury meeting the injury definition (time-loss or non fourth dimension-loss), reported via online questionnaire directly from the trip the light fantastic pupil.

Traumatic/Acute Injury: "An injury that results from a specific identifiable event" 84.

Overuse Injury: "An injury caused by repeated micro-trauma without a single identifiable event responsible for the injury" 84.

Recurrent Injury: An injury with the same diagnosis as a previously recorded injury and that occurs within two months after the dancer'southward return to full participation 55,82. Recurrent injuries were further categorised according to Fuller et al (2007) as either:

  1. 1. Exacerbations: "worsening state of a non-recovered injury such that the dancer is unable to take a total part in trip the light fantastic toe related activities that would unremarkably be required" 82.

  2. 2. Re-Injury: "an injury of the same type and at the same site as the beginning episode, occurring after a dancers return to total participation from the initial injury inside two months" 82.

Injury severity was measured by time-loss (days) or degree of activity modification and were divers as:

Time-loss: is the full number of total days off trip the light fantastic, from the date of injury to the engagement of the dancer returning to participation 57.

Activity Modification: is the extent to which a dancer had to alter or reduce their training load due injury. This was rated using a descriptive scale, describing the degree of activity modification the dancer had to undertake as a consequence of the injury as listed below.

  1. Not at all: dancer is able to attend all classes/rehearsals/performance, without any limitations

  2. Small: dancer is able to nourish all classes/rehearsals/performance with just small limitations

  3. Moderate: dancer is able to attend all classes/rehearsals/performance just with moderate limitations such as; participating in petite allegro but not 1000 allegro, keeping legs below 45 degrees

  4. Major: dancer is unable to participate in significant components of classes/rehearsals/functioning, including having to sit out some only not all timetabled classes over a normal school twenty-four hour period or fugitive significant components such equally jumping or pointe work

Injury severity was also coded based on definitions adapted from previous research past Dick, Agel, Marshall 57 and Bowerman 64

S0 No days off or modified

S1 Activity modification only

S2 ≤ seven days off dance

S3 > vii days off trip the light fantastic toe

S4 Yr ending - if a dancer was unable to return to preparation due to injury


Movement Competency Screen Testing Sequence

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Move Competency Screen Scoring Criteria

Body Region/Capacity MCS Job ane Torso Weight Squat MSC Task 2 Counter Movement Jump MSC Task 3 Lunge and Twist MCS Job four Bilateral broad leap with unilateral land MCS Task 5 Trunk weight unmarried leg squat MCS Task 6 Counter movement jump off ii landing on one
Head Held stable in a neutral position and centrally aligned
Shoulders Held down and away from ears. Elbows appear in line with ears. Thoracic extension is evident Held down away from ears. Elbows in line with ears. Held down and away from ears. Rotation appears to occur through thoracic spine. Elbows is at least inline with the pb human knee at end range of rotation Held down abroad from ears. Held down away from ears. Elbows in line with ears. Thoracic extension is clear Shoulders held downwards abroad from ears. Elbows in line with ears.
Lumbar Neutral bend Maintains lumbar curve, no hyperextension, rotation or flexion Held stable, neutral spine is maintained through out rotation. Rotation and/or lateral flexion does not occur about the lumbar region during trunk rotation Maintains lumbar curve, no hyperextension, rotation or flexion Held stable in a neutral spine position throughout lower limb flexion and extension Maintains lumbar bend, no hyperextension, rotation or flexion
Hips Movement is initiated with hip flexion. Remain horizontally aligned during flexion and extension. Manifestly moving back and downwardly during flexion Horizontally aligned, mobile and stable to prohibit acme and depression during rotation Horizontally aligned and stable to minimize superlative and low during landing Movement is initiated with hip flexion. Remain horizontally aligned during flexion and extension. Clearly moving dorsum and downwardly during flexion, minimal weight shift over stand leg.
Knees Aligned with hips and feet during flexion Aligned with hips and feet during flexion and do non move laterally with rotation Aligned with hips and feet Aligned with the hip and foot during flexion and extension Aligned with hips and feet
Ankles Mobility allow adequate dorsiflexion during knee and hip flexion
Feet Stable with heels grounded during lower limb flexion Heel of lead leg in contact with the flooring, trail foot flexed and counterbalanced on forefoot Stable Stable with heels grounded during lower limb flexion
Balance Evenly distributed Maintained on each leg Able to control and stick landing Maintained on each leg Able to control stick landing
Depth 90 degrees or greater of hip flexion seventy degrees or greater of hip flexion Pb thigh parallel to the floor seventy degrees of hip flexion 70 degrees of hip flexion 70 degrees of hip flexion
Body Region/Capacity MCS Task 7 Bend and Pull MSC Task eight Press upward
Head Held stable in a neutral position
Shoulders Held downwards abroad from ears during arm flexion and extension. Scapulae move balanced and rhythmic and are not excessively abducted at arm extension Held down and away from ears during arm flexion and extension. Scapulae motion counterbalanced and rhythmic and are not excessively abducted at arm extension
Lumbar Held stable in neutral spine position throughout torso flexion and extension Held in stable neutral spine position
Hips Movement is initiated with hip flexion. Extension is obvious and controlled Held in line with the body during arm flexion and extension
Knees Neutral position and held stable Extended and held stable
Ankles NA NA
Feet Pointing directly Feet direct, heels not falling in or out
Balance Maintained NA
Depth 75 - 90 degrees or greater of trunk flexion Breast touches floor


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